This drawing-based class is part of a year-round course that focuses on building a foundation and expanding knowledge in the Fine Arts. Young artists will explore and build their creative capacities through sketching, painting, mixed media, sculpture, and digital media in a fun, relaxing atmosphere. 
Each month, we will learn about a new medium linking age appropriate technical instruction with instruction in the elements of art, principles of design, art history, literature and examples of works by a wide variety of artists. Students may take the entire course or individual  one-month sessions.  This course aligns with California VAPA standards and is based on a constructivist learning model allowing students to move at their own pace.


Kid Art
 Ages  9 -12
     Class size 4 - 6        
Cost $100  * Materials $25

Art  Classes
   Oneness Calligraphy 
Oneness Calligraphy is based on the rich culture of Chinese characters and language. It is written in one stroke to promote flow, strength, flexibility and lightness. It brings balance, calmness, beauty, focus, creativity and wellness to a child’s being and activates his/her potential and intelligence.
Seeing many amazing transformative results that practicing Oneness Calligraphy brings to people around the world, Chi-Xin is dedicated to helping children unlock their potential through writing the Oneness Calligraphy. As a certified Tao Song Practitioner and an accomplished pianist, she will incorporate the healing power of music to enhance learning.

Chi-Xin Thorp has studied this unique Calligraphy form with Master Zhi Sha, who is a renown teacher, healer and incredible calligrapher imbuing calligraphy writing with transformative   power.
Michelle Coder is a boundary-crosser, credentialed teacher, college professor, multi-media artist, set & costume designer, vocal performer, playwright and theater director with 30 years experience as a working artist and arts instructor. She is currently completing a degree in Art & Design.